Practice Feedback and Complaint Procedure

It is our aim to always have satisfied patients, to meet your expectations of care and service and to resolve any feedback and complaints as efficiently, effectively and politely as possible.  

We take complaints very seriously, investigating them in a full and fair way and take great care to protect your confidentiality. We learn from feedback and complaints to improve our care and service. We will never discriminate against patients who have made a complaint, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this procedure. 

If you are not entirely satisfied with any aspect of our care or service, please let us know as soon as possible to allow us to address your concerns promptly. We accept feedback made verbally as well as written complaints.  

It would be ideal if you do that within few days or weeks as this would make it easier for us to establish what happened.

If it is not possible to do that, please let us have details of your complaint: 

  • Within 6 months of the initial incident; or 
  • Within 6 months of discovering that you have a problem provided this is within 12 months of the incident 

If a complaint is submitted about the treatment you have received, please do that with the dentist who you would normally see. Alternatively, you may book an appointment with the Complaints Manager to discuss your concerns. The Complaints Manager will clarify the complaints procedure to you and make sure that your concerns are handled promptly. Please be as clear as possible about your complaint as this would help when processing it. 

What we shall do

We acknowledge all complaints within 2 working days. We aim to get back to you within 20 working days of the initial day that you raised your complaint with us. After that period has passed, we shall be in a position to give you an explanation or organise a meeting. 

During the investigation of your complaint, we aim to:

  • Discover what happened and what went wrong 
  • Discuss your problem with the people involved 
  • Offer you an apology if appropriate 
  • Do our best to make sure the problem doesn’t happen again 
  • Complaining on behalf of someone else 

Please note that we strictly follow the rules of confidentiality. In the events where you are complaining on behalf of somebody else, we have to make sure you have the permissions to do so. A document that has been signed by that person will be needed, unless in cases where that person is incapable (because of physical or mental illness). 

Paulina Kwasniewska is the Complaints Manager and will be your personal contact to assist you with your concerns. You can send your feedback or compliant to 1 Manor Place, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH3 7DH, call us on 0131 225 9093 or email 

If the Complaints Manager is unavailable, we will take brief details about the complaint and will arrange for a meeting when it is suitable for you and the practice. We will keep comprehensive and confidential records of your complaint, which will be stored securely and only be accessible by those who need to know about your complaint. If the complaint investigation takes longer than anticipated, the Complaints Manager will contact you at least every ten working days to keep you informed of the reason for any delays, the progress of the investigation and the proposed date it will be completed.

When the investigation has been completed, you will be informed of its outcome in writing. We will make our response clear, addressing each of your concerns as best as we can. You can also choose to have a meeting to discuss the results and any practical solutions that we can offer to you. These solutions could include replacing treatment, refunding fees paid, referring you for specialist treatments or other solutions that meet your needs and resolve the complaint. 

We regularly analyse patient complaints to learn from them and to improve our services. That’s why we always welcome your feedback, comments, suggestions and complaints. 


We aim to resolve complaints that don’t require investigations within 5 working days of receiving the complaint and no letters will be sent by us. This can be extended to 10 working days, in exceptional circumstances, and by agreement with you. For complaints that require investigation the Complaints Manager will send an acknowledgement letter within 3 working days and will aim to provide a full response in writing within 20 working days. We hope that, if you have a problem, you will make use of our practice complaints procedure. We believe this will improve our service and give us with a better chance of putting right whatever has gone wrong. 

Other options to submit a complaint

If you are not happy with our response, the way we are dealing with your complaint or would like to complain to the healthcare regulator, you contact Healthcare Improvement Scotland at any time, regardless of whether you have or have not started a complaint procedure with us.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Programme Manager
Independent Healthcare Services Team
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Gyle Square
1 South Gyle Crescent

EH12 9EB

Tel: 0131 623 4342 (10am-2pm, Monday to Friday)

General Dental Services

Dental Complaints Service 

Stephenson House 

2 Cherry Orchard Road 



Tel.: 08456 120 540 at local rate (Mon-Fri, 9.00am – 5.00pm) 

Patient Advice and Support Service  This service is available through your local Citizens Advice Scotland Bureau (CAS). You will be able to find out where your local CAS office is on the website by entering your postcode. 

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Ready for a new type of dental care?

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0131 225 9093

1 Manor Place Edinburgh EH3 7DH