Loose Dentures?

December 19, 2020

How Do I address My Loose Dentures?

A loose denture can be uncomfortable, embarrassing or even painful to wear. There are can several reasons why your denture(s)doesn’t fit the way they used to. Your jaw shape has changed over a period of time to the point that the denture(s) puts more pressure on certain areas causing pressure sores; the teeth have worn down and so your bite has changed; if you still have some teeth then perhaps the teeth have drifted or even chipped resulting in less hold for the denture.

Initially, you might successfully use denture adhesive to retain the dentures but once there is sufficient alteration you may find that this does not work. In fact, you may accelerate the damage to the underlying jaw by persevering with this. It is imperative that you mention this at your dental health assessment. Sometimes all that is needed is a simple reline of the denture.

If the denture is retained by teeth, then perhaps the teeth need to be rebuilt to allow a snug fit with a new denture. This can be achieved by special crowns or even precision attachments which allow the denture to click into them, minimising movement, or dislodgement.  

If there are no teeth, then a Japanese style Suction denture can be made which using special techniques to create a superior fitting to your jaw.

Of course, a more common solution may be the use of implants to predictably attach the denture to your jaw. This will markedly improve the retention resulting in better chewing of your food; more choice of food that you can eat; confidence that the denture won’t move when you smile, talk or eat. Nowadays, these are very routine and predictable treatments which also help to stop the further erosion of your jaws.

In fact, an international consensus report on the minimal standard of care acceptable with someone with missing lower teeth was a denture supported by two implants.

Secure teeth allow better eating and tasting of your food which means less stomach problems and better long- term health.

Book in for a consultation with our dentist, Neeraj by clicking here.

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